Ever since the dawn of e-versions of books there has been this great debate on whether e-books will replace books. E-books have some advantages over traditional books. They are cheaper and are more easily available (torrent it if you can’t buy it). They don’t spoil or decay (unless they get corrupted). It is eco-friendly as we are creating a paperless society.
Even then, it is easier to read a book than an e-book, right?
• They are easier to handle. Imagine swatting a fly with your e-book reader or laptop.
• When you are in a library, you pick up any book of your interest. This broadens your knowledge. But when you are searching for an e-book you are very specific to your need. It just kills the habit of fun-reading.
• We don’t have electricity at all places to support computers and e-book readers. What will happen if there is a power outage? Will you stop reading? With books there is always the novelty of candle-light reading.
• The electronic gadgets are harmful to us. They are hard on our eyes and radiations from them are harmful to our body. Books are light on our eyes plus you can read them from any position (try yoga sitting positions while reading).
• Some books are worth a lot of money. So they can be an investment option too.
• Finally, you don’t need a computer to read a book.
We should not forget that where the online internet sources are found --- in books!